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WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in US Deal

Subheading: Assange to Fly Back to Australia after Proceedings

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to a felony charge related to his alleged role in one of the largest US government breaches of classified material. The plea deal, which was announced by the US Department of Justice on Tuesday, will resolve a long-running legal saga over the publication of classified information obtained by Chelsea Manning.

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Under the terms of the deal, Assange will serve 62 months in prison, time which he has already served. He will be sentenced at a hearing on the island of Saipan in the Pacific on Wednesday at 9 am local time. Following the proceedings, Assange is expected to fly back to Australia.

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Assange's wife, Stella Assange, posted on Twitter on Tuesday, "Julian is free." She thanked supporters for their help in securing Assange's release.


Assange's guilty plea and subsequent release mark a significant development in a case that has captivated the world for years. The charges against him stemmed from the publication of classified US government documents on the WikiLeaks website in 2010. Assange's supporters have argued that he was acting as a journalist with the right to publish information in the public interest, while prosecutors have accused him of aiding Manning in breaking the law.
